IDC World Championship
Apolda, Germany

Swedish team

Teamleader Camilla Rönnqvist

Ronnie Eng - Briska's Winnie
Cicci Eng - Briska's Yennie
Camilla Dahlgren - Come As You Are In Charge
Torbjörn Eriksson - Dobfancier's Regiuz
Laine Löfman - Dobfancier's Ruzka


Come As You Are In Charge obedience

Come As You Are In Charge protection

Jag kommer att lägga in vår reseberättelse här när den har blivit publicerad i Sv. Dobermanntidningen:-) Tills dess får ni hålla tillgodo med bilder.


Ancas bror, Nightwish Mystic Anubis med sin förare Jukka Kytösaari.
Det vinnande Italienska laget med svenskfödd hund:-) Briska's Zarek.


Come As You Are In Charge

Come As You Are In Charge

Come As You Are In Charge

Grand Finale

Allas vårat "fan" Henning!! Alltid lika lycklig!! Tack Henning för all support!!
Chakka vom Maindreieck med Claudia Fuhrmann
Ottomac med Soprani Giuseppe

The WINNER!!! Hera Nuova Dolce Vita med Pavel Tamási.


Pictures from our visit in Apolda and Jena

Challe coolast!!

Our living outside of Jena.
Barbeque with German friends.
Janne tried to learn our friends some Swedish:-))
The view over Jena from above the trainingcamp.
The trainingcamp during our week in Jena/Apolda.
And resting with our great German friends.....
Looking out the stadion in Apolda.
Olof with "water"? in has backpack:-) Or.....??
Satu drinks water:-)) It is hot in the trackingfields!!

Thank you all for a great week together in Jena/Apolda!!!
Memory for life:-)